Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule an appointment?

If you are interested in setting up an appointment or getting more information, please contact one of the therapists at their phone number or email address listed in their therapist profile, or you can leave your information at our main mailbox (no extension) if you are unsure of how to proceed. Please note, if you leave a message in the main mailbox, you may experience a longer wait-time than if leaving a message directly with a therapist.

What days are therapists available?

The therapists all have different schedules and also have varying levels of availability given their current caseload. Most appointments are offered during the 9-5pm hours with some therapists offering evening hours. It would be best to read the bios carefully to determine which therapist(s) would be a good fit for your current needs. Contact the therapist directly at their extension and schedule directly. If the scheduling is difficult due to availability, the therapist will be able to help you proceed with other appropriate options.

How do I know which therapist is right for my child?

We recommend carefully reviewing the bios in the Therapist Profiles of all of the therapists and based on your current needs, selecting the best fit. Call the therapist and leave a message at the phone number listed on their bio. They will speak with you to discuss your needs and determine if they are the right fit. They will also be able to help you proceed if they feel another option would be more appropriate.

Do any therapists accept insurance?

None of the therapists accept insurance or are currently on any insurance panels. Dr. Chansky, Dr. Siqueland, Dr. Ledley, Dr. Baxt, Dr. Khanna's practices are all fee-for-service practices. However, all therapists provide receipts that can be submitted for reimbursement if you have out of network benefits.

Those not local to the Philadelphia/Western Suburbs area, you may contact your nearest university hospital for an appointment or for recommended providers or visit our partner website at for a "Global Network" list of providers in CBT for anxiety and other helpful referral resources and tips on finding an evidence-based treatment provider. ​

If you have questions about anxiety in youth, please visit our informational website: